Is iontach go bhfuil muid ar ais le chéile arís agus is iontach go bhfuil Bunscoil Phobal Feirste ag ceiliúradh 50 bliain ar an fhód. Thosaigh an scéal s’againn i Meán Fómhair 1971 agus seo muid in Méan Fómhair 2021 ag fás, ag forbairt agus ag bláthú! Go raibh míle maith agaibh as an tacaíocht uilig chun muid a fháil a fhad leis an phointe seo!
We are delighted to be celebrating our Golden Jubilee this year! 50 years and counting! From little acorns in September 1971 when our story began with 9 pupils in a small hut, to our beautiful school comprising of almost 420 pupils! Whatsmore, the Irish Medium Education sector has mushroomed from that hut with 9 pupils to 95 different Irish Language Educational settings containing over 7,000 pupils! What a story, what a journey that we are all part of. We are unfortunate to have been celebrating this anniversary whilst in the grips of a global pandemic but we are looking forward to having some celebratory events to commemorate this amazing achievement. We have a flag-raising ceremony planned, as well as a showing of ‘Is Iomaí Rud a Tharla’, the drama which charts the beginning of the Shaw’s Road Gaeltacht and our school as well as some other small in-school events involving the pupils and the student council. We are also aiming to have a celebratory dinner in the final term of this year and we would appreciate all of your support in helping us to make this end-of-year event a huge success. Go raibh maith agaibh.