Táimid iontach sásta agus bródúil as iarrachtaí na bpáistí atá againn ar chomhairle an ndaltaí s’againn. Tá an-chuid oibre déanta acu le blianta beaga anuas.
Ar na mallaibh, rinne siad fiseán a chuir le chéile a thugann bláisín ar stair agus obair an scoile agus muid ag tarraingt ar an leath-chéad. Seo chugaibh an fiseán! An-iarracht go deo déanta acu. Maith sibh a pháistí!
We are always very proud of our student council’s efforts and work. In recent years they have been very active with projects on our school history, as we approach our 50th anniversary, school development planning, anti-bullying work as well as fundraising for those less fortunate and in need.
Our young leadership group have recently produced a short video touching upon our school history as well as current going’s-on here at Bunscoil Phobal Feirste and Naíscoil Bhreandáin. We are very proud of all of their efforts in pulling this production together. We hope you enjoy it!