Cór & Ceoltóirí na Scoile sa Phobal.

Our School Choir & Trad group entertains the local community.
Cór & Ceoltóirí na Scoile sa Phobal.

Bliain i ndiaidh bliana bímid i measc an phobail le linn séasúir na Nollag!

Our school choir, year after year, works tirelessly in the community particularly during Christmas time. This year we continue with our tradition of entertaining shoppers in the Kennedy Centre as well as providing Christmas entertainment for the residents of Glenowen Court old peoples Fold. The choir also sang at the St Peter’s Cathedral West Belfast Schools carols and our Trad group did a session at the new ‘2 Royal Avenue’ centre in Belfast City Centre as part of the ‘Glengormley School of Traditional Music event. Maith sibh a pháistí.

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Beidh muid ag leanstan le Class Dojo mar mhodh cumarsáide.
11 Páirc Rosgoill, Bóthar Seoighe, Béal Feirste, BT11 9QS
028 90 301598
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© 2025 Bunscoil Phobal Feirste