Ní féidir leis an pháiste bheith ag foghlaim ón mhúinteoir mura bhfuil sé/sí ar scoil. Is ionann lá amháin caillte agus deis foghlama imithe.
As you are aware, the school has a minimum target of 95% attendance. Good attendance in school is crucial for the social, emotional and educational development of your child along with their wellbeing.
This year, our assessment data analysis pointed to a direct link between poor attendance and underachievement with a number of our children. 19 out of 24 children who underachieved in a particular year group had an attendance record of less than 90%.
The Educational Welfare Officer (EWO) meets with Séamus every 6 weeks to review the School Attendance. Should your child fall below the school target of 95% then the school must follow the procedure as advocated by the Education Authority and Educational Welfare Services. Falling well below this target may result in a visit from Social Services. A copy of the leaflet below was sent to all parents in previous years and it is a reminder of how crucial attendance is and of how there is a direct correlation between poor attendance and underachievement in school. Every single day a child is absent from school is a lost opportunity to learn.