Tús le Béarla / Introduction to English

A graded reading scheme, Rigby Star, is in place to allow the children in Rang 3 from Easter onwards, to make a smooth and easy transition into English. This scheme is one of the most up-to-date schemes on the market, which incorporates a phonics programme to complement the phonics programme used in Irish. It is our goal that our children will close any gap between their reading age and their chronological age before finishing in Rang 5. In using this fast-track approach, we would like to encourage your ongoing support as you read with your child on a nightly basis. Reading results in Suffolk reading tests have indicated positive results and a significant progress for many children at the end of Rang 3.

We encourage reading with parents in both English and Irish from a very early age. We promote that our children experience the sheer joy of the world of books. We promote that you surround your child with books from the earliest age and encourage him/her escape into the world of imagination.

Reading is a muscle that has to be kept exercised’ Anthony Horwitz.

Children easily transfer skills from English to Irish. As children increase their vocabulary in English they seek to broaden their vocabulary in Irish. Their imagination is stimulated and this helps them to write creatively.

Reading engages heart and mind in a way computer screens and iPods never can.’ Amanda Craig (Children’s writer)

We aspire to reach levels in English reading in Key Stage 2 which are comparable to peers in English Medium schools.

Last year, four of our classroom assistants were given specialist training on a Reading Partnership scheme, which allows them to work with children on a one-to –one basis, during three short sessions of fifteen minutes three times a week. We have been delighted with the results of this scheme, and will continue to promote this as good practice. This scheme is not a scheme for children with special needs, but helps to fast track progress in reading with children who are acquiring fluency.

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11 Páirc Rosgoill, Bóthar Seoighe, Béal Feirste, BT11 9QS
028 90 301598
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