An Clár Sínte Scoile / Extended schools

An Clár Sínte Scoile / Extended schools

Aithníonn muid anseo i mBunscoil Phobal Feirste & Naíscoil Bhreandáin an tábhacht a bhaineann le himeachtaí seach-churaclaim agus forbairt iomlán an pháiste. Mar scoil 'sínte' cuireann muid réimse leathan d'imeachtaí ar fáil dár ndaltaí agus a dteaghlaigh taobh amuigh d'uaireanta teagaisc na scoile. Tarlaíonn roinnt gníomhaíochtaí sultmhara agus tábhachtacha roimh agus i ndiaidh an lae scoile.

Here at Bunscoil Phobal Feirste we are proud to be recognised as an Extended School. A separate budget allows us to provide a wide range of activities for our pupils and evening classes for parents.

These activities take place either before school hours eg the breakfast club, during school hours eg visits from artists and authors, and after school eg basketball classes provided by coaches.

The school’s extended schools programme aims to make good use of its funding through the provision of a wide range of additional activities which helps with the childrens personal, social and educational development. We have effective links with statutory agencies who provide educational, emotional and social support to the pupils.

We aim to provide a relaxed, positive environment where pupils teachers and parents can work together to develop their self-esteem, confidence and physical health and well-being.

We provide the following clubs and activities:

  • Peil Ghaelach/Gaelic football
  • Iománaíocht & Camógaíocht/Hurling & Camogie
  • Snámh/Swimming
  • Damhsa Gaelach/Irish dancing
  • Drámaíocht/Drama
  • Cumas Rothaíochta/Cycling Proficiency
  • Cumann Leitheoireachta/Reading Club
  • Cumann Ealaíne/Art
  • Cumann Ríomhaireachta/Computer Club
  • Cumann Garraidóireachta/Gardening Club
  • Club Reatha/Running Club
  • Spórt na gCailíní/Girls Sport
  • Cumann Liathróid Láimhe/Handball Club
  • Cóir Scoile/School Choir
  • Ceol Traidisiúnta/Traditional Music

The school also run a P1 & P2 Cumann 2-3 (2-00-3-00pm Club) This is very popular with our parents and pupils and at the very reasonable rate of £30 per half term.

An after school club is available for any interested parents in Tullymore Community Centre. Staff from the centre collect the children from the school both at 2.00 or 3.00pm and this club is available until 5.00pm. Rates are fixed with Tullymore

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Beidh muid ag leanstan le Class Dojo mar mhodh cumarsáide.
11 Páirc Rosgoill, Bóthar Seoighe, Béal Feirste, BT11 9QS
028 90 301598
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© 2025 Bunscoil Phobal Feirste