Tá an fhoireann i mBunscoil Phobal Feirste & Naíscoil Bhreandáin díograiseach in úsáid na straitéisí teagaisc agus foghlama is éifeachtaí le caighdeán a bhaint amach agus a choinneáil i bpobal iomlán na scoile agus úsáidtear straitéisí aontaithe ó phleananna gníomhaíochta na scoile, polasaithe agus cur i bhfeidhm an curaclam reachtúil. Tá an scoil toilteanach glacadh le straitéisí úra i bhfoghlaim agus teagasc le cinntiú go mbíonn an taithí oideachasúil is fearr agus is féidir ag na daltaí.
The staff of Bunscoil Phobal Feirste & Naíscoil Bhreandáin are committed to using the most effective learning and teaching strategies to attain and maintain standars among the whole school pupil population and use agreed strategies as advocated by school action plans, policies and implementation of the statutory curriculum. The school is also willing to adapt to new approaches to learning and teaching in order to help ensure that our pupils get as good a learning experience as possible.
Various strategies are employed within Bunscoil Phobal Feirste to ensure that every learning opportunity is maximised in order that every child at the school is assisted as best as possible during their time with us.
In order to help us achieve this we endeavour to employ a number of startegies and methods, we aim to:
- Develop and sustain a stimulating immersion learning environment at all times
- Employ regular active immersion education learning methods and approaches
- Make teaching and learning as interesting, interactive and stimulating as possible
- Create activities which help as best as possible to develop independence among all children
- Plan and implement strategies in order to cater for varying levels of ability and different learning styles
- Secure appropriate teaching and support when possible so that all pupils are supported and challenged to achieve their potential with the resources available.
- Provide linguistic and pedagogical staff development opportunities to help ensure consistent high quality learning and teaching experiences, through irish for all of our children.
- Monitor and evaluate regularly, school provision via classroom observations, Trusted Colleague Networking, book looks, data analysis and consultation with children, parents and staff.
Areas of learning/Achair Foghlama:
- Literacy- Irish and English
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- The World Around Us
- PDMU- Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
- The Arts: Music, Art, Drama
- Physical Education (PE covers: Athletics, football, swimming and dance)
- Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
- ICT- Information and Computer Technology
Eochairchéimeanna/The Pupils Work in 3 Key Stages:
- Foundation Stage
- Key Stage 1
- Key Stage 2
Imeachtaí Seach-Churaclaim/Extra-Curricular Activities:
- Tin Whistle
- Irish Dancing
- Drama
- Gaelic Football
- Hurling/camogie
- Reading Club
- Basketball
- Computer Club
- Gardening Club
- Maths Club
- Cycling proficiency
- Art